City of Red Bud Article
City is saving money with new health insurance plan – The City of Red Bud saves $94,170 with 30 members in 2009 and continues to save through 2011 with The Einstein Consulting Group.
City is saving money with new health insurance plan – The City of Red Bud saves $94,170 with 30 members in 2009 and continues to save through 2011 with The Einstein Consulting Group.
City of Pittsfield saves big on health insurance – The City of Pittsfield saves $103,868 with 31 members in 2008 and continues to save through 2011 with The Einstein Consulting Group.
Grafton saves $55,000 in health insurance costs – The City of Grafton saved over $55,000 with 9 members in 2007 and 2008 and continues to save through 2011 with The Einstein Consulting Group.
New health insurance plan to save money – The City of Roodhouse saved over $36,000 with 15 members in 2007 and continues to save through 2011 with The Einstein Consulting Group.
County Board announces $111,930 savings in health insurance costs – The Clinton County Board reported a savings of $111,930 with 122 members in 2006 and continues to save through 2011 with The Einstein Consulting Group.